Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Young Guns.... of Thunder!

I'm sitting here in the semi-heart of Marrietta, GA at the Murray Sound Lab, recording a new song for a new EP.  I feel old. Everyone doing this project with me us under 30.  All these young Sons of Thunder pounding out a sound to some of those crazy melodies that dance in my head. 

If you are not a song writer you'll miss that journey but if you are, you know what I am saying.   I don't know how I am doing this and how it is all going to work, but I think I'll finish my life trying to hum, tap, slap, slam, or knock out of the ball park another random thought that has a lift and lilt to it.  I feel like a fly on the wall watching something bigger occur.  These young guys are hearing their own production shooting out from the chords of my original intentions. Wow, it's so amazing to hear what they hear.  They make me feel younger!  I want to run get a pair of Lucky or Diesel Jeans, Tom shoes and put three different colors in my hair!  (I actually already own 2 pairs of Toms, so I guess one step ahead)

What a day to be alive and and house a gift!  What a day to be in the crowd and on the side lines watching these young beautiful male and female souls discover how to find their sound and reach with their tenacity for the Living God. What a day to be a 42 woman surrounded by young King David's who dropped the Lyre to find a loop!  These positioned Renegades who are desperate to figure out what the "church" is going on and how to not look like what others say, are the reasons they don't sit in her pews any longer.  I notice them though. They look out of the corner of their eye and can't believe themselves that they are in a room with me!  What they may not know is that I am the one honored.  Honored to light a candle when they throw their crowns down before a Justice King and tell him how great of a Father he has been to them.  You can't buy a ticket to that.  But if you could.....I might be first in line.............


Saturday, February 13, 2010

Saturday, February 13, 2010

The WEB SITE & Peace

A Snowy Saturday Morning

It's been a long time coming but The new RitaSpringer.com web site will be up soon!!!

I finally totally figured out that I am neither Wonder Woman or any related superhero. I have a great gal working on my new website which I am very excited about but in the meantime am trying to walk in a few different titles. I have some good office help, but looking for full time intern as well. All the while selling a house, being a single mom, travel agent and product shipper and running a worship school!

Through all the stress though, I have such an expected hope and peace over this year. There are wonderful signs of God lending his voice in break-thru and insight. I am so grateful for that. Finding peace has been like finding a needle in a haystack. As it comes I find myself guarding it with my life and allowing nothing and no one to take it from me. Believe me, obstacles of life and the voice opposition will try. The goal I find myself working toward is not in booking events or recording (although those things are a daily task at planning). I want to hear the voice of God directing my movements and actions most. I have pushed though a very dark season to find a renewed sense of who I am and what I was made for. The worship school I started called D.I.V.E. (Deep, Innovative, Vertical, Expression) keeps getting more fluent and functional every time I do one. I am moving it's location this year (for the sake of covering purposes) to Huntsville, AL. This past week I finished the 8th (or is it 9th) one. Nothing I have ever done outside of adopting Justice, has meant more and made me feel more alive in Christ. Giving away what He has given me really has a power to it. To see these young worship leaders come in one way and go out another is addicting. Freedom is addicting. Once you start getting free, there is no other feeling quite like it. I think true freedom settles everything else around you. We can experience relief and misdiagnose it for freedom. Real, true, fascinating freedom has me not looking for relief but finding life! Peace is hard to find, and harder to keep. So, I'm keeping it warm and safe inside my heart today. I'm looking out the window and seeing the untouched snow piled up in the backyard. It's still the backyard but covered with a substance that changes the way it looks. That it the way peace feels. The situation may look the same but when peace falls it changes the way we look at circumstance.

I'm in awe most days of my son, Justice. His name alone brings this rich realness to our household. He has begun asking a zillion questions about life, people, weather and toys. The righteousness in the deep meaning of his name has a beautiful peace on it that I marvel at. He is not a fearful kid by nature. Funny, curious and silly, yes, but fearful and apprehensive, no. Justice can play for hours upstairs by himself while I am flogged by emails and office work downstairs. His easy way of being okay with my load makes me realize that the fairness in his name also has a residence of peace on it. I am in awe of how the Lord steered that little tiny true African now American soul into my arms. God knew what was ahead and how I would need his life and radiance to weave hope and health into my chaotic, busy, progressive journey!

Justice makes me want more of the light of God and the depth of truth to be upon my every move. Of course like any real boy Justice also believes right now that slime and boogers are the funniest thing he has ever talked about or seen. Some things remain the same, regardless.

I am starting February out with what I call "push hope". When I feel like I am under the heaviness of a load I chant over and over "push for hope!" Hope, like peace is more at times an under currant then a tidal wave. Maybe what I have gained are new glasses to see what was on the shelf in reach the whole time. Who knows. If you're like me and slow at understanding what is possibly staring you in the face all the time, then give a shout out. My peace right now is not in people, places or things. It is in Heaven and it's Master. Wow.

Anyways, these are my thoughts on a snowy Saturday morning! Peace out!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

I've been sitting here in a hotel room and reflecting on the past year. 2009 was a very tough 12 months for me. So much to push through and so many situations to try and find the word 'rest' in. As 2010 rises into the now I find simplicity is what settles around me. Maybe because with weakness and exhaustion what remains sometimes is the simple truths of what is key, to progression. Pure rest. The Psalms are full of the human cry and the spirits reach in truth. The wondering of the whereabouts of God and then the exaltation's of his Glory and Divinity being the focal point. The mystery's of God still being searched out by flesh and spirit in their collide to find meaning, understanding and gain maturity.

I find myself in great sighs at how beautiful is the bruise of long winters and short springs. There is no straight path to take without hiccups. My focus has to be a straight forward, not going to give up a goal, of whatever I am handed I will find a melody in. I want wholeness for the sake of holiness. I want truth for the sake of freedom. I want information for the sake of growth. I want rightness for the sake of righteousness. I want healing for the sake of testimony. I want God more then anything else.

Just Thoughts today.......